Work Experience

  • Jul2023 - Present
    Team Player (Specialized in Software Engineering)
    • Served as a team player, collaborating with cross-functional team (XFN) to deliver high-quality software solutions.
    • Served as a Software Engineer committed to the principles of Software Craftsmanship, consistently striving to write clean, maintainable code. Leveraged Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodologies to ensure robust and efficient solutions, contributing to high-quality software delivery and system reliability. Also concerned about developer experience that helps the team to go well and fast.
    • Served as a Project Manager. Managed a team of about 6 to 8 members in a tight timeline with Agile methodology using Coda and Linear for planning, tracking, and communication, because Coda is flexible and designable to fit with the team process.
    • Decided with team on the architecture and design of the application based on the requirements and constraints.
    • Identified and fixed problems of the organization’s workflows and processes, which resulted in increased productivity and efficiency.
    • Worked with Business Development to identify sell opportunities and develop proposals for new projects.
  • Aug2021 - Present
    Thinc. Club in Chulalongkorn University
    President & Member

    An organization with magic power aiming to incubate students for making impact to society using software development

    • Served as a President, leading the organization to achieve the goal of incubating students to make an impact on society using software development.
    • Served as a Tech Lead, developing a Learning Management System (LMS)—MyCourseville.
      • Developed a cross platform system including web, IOS, and Android using Capacitor.js with single code base
      • Developed an application with Clean Architecture to support multiple data sources, and easy to modify or extend.
      • Developed an application with monorepo using Turborepo to utilize shared code and better experience to maintain.
    • Served as a Project Manager and DevOps Engineer. Managed team to develop the Student Council of Chulalongkorn University (SCCU)
      • Developed a project documents tracking website.
      • Managed a team of about 6 members including UX/UI, frontend, and backend.
      • Implemented a project management system using Github Projects and Github Issues.
  • Dec2022 - Jul2023
    Cleverse Corporation Co., Ltd
    Software Engineer Intern
    • Served as a Backend. Develop application in Web3 industry, e.g. Blockchain and Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
    • Developed DeFi applications using Golang. The product name is confidential.
    • Developed applications with Clean architecture. Make the application easy to maintain, scalable and extendable.
    • Developed performance Image generator application without Chromium and better developer experience with high performance.
    • Developed a CICD to automate build and deployment process.
  • Jan2022 - Jul2023
    Student Government of Chulalongkorn University
    Software Engineer
    • Designed Freshersfairs registration and group assignment system used by around 16K users with zero downtime.
    • Developed backend service with Go, Redis, gRPC, and microservice architecture.
    • Served as a DevOps Engineer. Setup a continuous integration and deployment(CI / CD) pipeline with Github Actions, Docker, and Argo CD.
    • Implemented a GitOps workflow and used Kubernetes for managing the system’s infrastructure.
    • Developed a logging system for infrastructure using Fluentd to track and monitor system activity.
  • Dec2022 - Feb2023
    Cleverse Academy
    Curriculum Designer
    • Served as curriculum designer that collaborated with Cleverse to design and deliver a cutting edge comprehensive web development bootcamp for aspiring entry-level developers.
    • Developed and implemented a backend course curriculum, complete with hands-on projects and accompanying course materials, to provide a thorough understanding of fundamental web development concepts.
  • Jan2022 - Jul2022
    Tech Combine Co., Ltd
    Software Engineer Intern
    • Developed an issue tracking system for Banpu. An issue tracking system process of identifying and resolving issues within the company, in a centralized location.
    • Developed back - office for issue tracking system using React and React Admin.
    • Optimized UI components to enhance user experience and improve performance.
  • Dec2021 - Feb2022
    Existing Company Co., Ltd
    Software Engineer Intern (Mobile & Frontend)
    • Flutter Developer
      • Developed an e-commerce application using Flutter framework and Clean Architecture design principles.
      • Contributed to the development of a live video streaming feature using Agora SDK.
      • Contributed to the development of a realtime chat feature.
      • Assisted in integrating FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) to enable mobile notifications.
    • Frontend Developer
      • Developed and maintained the e-commerce website for helps online live sellers manage their inventory and facilitates customer order confirmation through live comments using React, Ant Design, Express and PostgreSQL.