
Supakarin Niansupornpun

I am an enthusiastic developer with a strong passion for driving positive change. My keen interest in cutting-edge technology fuels my desire to create solutions that cater to diverse demands. I constantly challenge myself to craft increasingly impactful innovations, always striving for personal and professional growth in the process.

I belive that giving back to the community is the best way to grow and learn. I am passionate about contributing to the tech community, and sharing my knowledge with others. I am committed to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

So if givers are most likely to land at the bottom of the success ladder, who’s at the top—takers or matchers? Neither. When I took another look at the data, I discovered a surprising pattern: It’s the givers again.
― Adam M. Grant, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success

Work Experience
See all work
  • Jul2023 - Present
    Team Player (Specialized in Software Engineering)
    • Served as a team player, collaborating with cross-functional team (XFN) to deliver high-quality software solutions.
    • Served as a Software Engineer committed to the principles of Software Craftsmanship, consistently striving to write clean, maintainable code. Leveraged Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodologies to ensure robust and efficient solutions, contributing to high-quality software delivery and system reliability. Also concerned about developer experience that helps the team to go well and fast.
    • Served as a Project Manager. Managed a team of about 6 to 8 members in a tight timeline with Agile methodology using Coda and Linear for planning, tracking, and communication, because Coda is flexible and designable to fit with the team process.
    • Decided with team on the architecture and design of the application based on the requirements and constraints.
    • Identified and fixed problems of the organization’s workflows and processes, which resulted in increased productivity and efficiency.
    • Worked with Business Development to identify sell opportunities and develop proposals for new projects.
  • Aug2021 - Present
    Thinc. Club in Chulalongkorn University
    President & Member

    An organization with magic power aiming to incubate students for making impact to society using software development

    • Served as a President, leading the organization to achieve the goal of incubating students to make an impact on society using software development.
    • Served as a Tech Lead, developing a Learning Management System (LMS)—MyCourseville.
      • Developed a cross platform system including web, IOS, and Android using Capacitor.js with single code base
      • Developed an application with Clean Architecture to support multiple data sources, and easy to modify or extend.
      • Developed an application with monorepo using Turborepo to utilize shared code and better experience to maintain.
    • Served as a Project Manager and DevOps Engineer. Managed team to develop the Student Council of Chulalongkorn University (SCCU)
      • Developed a project documents tracking website.
      • Managed a team of about 6 members including UX/UI, frontend, and backend.
      • Implemented a project management system using Github Projects and Github Issues.
  • Dec2022 - Jul2023
    Cleverse Corporation Co., Ltd
    Software Engineer Intern
    • Served as a Backend. Develop application in Web3 industry, e.g. Blockchain and Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
    • Developed DeFi applications using Golang. The product name is confidential.
    • Developed applications with Clean architecture. Make the application easy to maintain, scalable and extendable.
    • Developed performance Image generator application without Chromium and better developer experience with high performance.
    • Developed a CICD to automate build and deployment process.

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If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] .